Posts tagged Mary Duke LCCE
Lobby Day Photos: Grassroots in Action.

“On February 13th, we put another Kentucky Home Birth Coalition (KHBC) Lobby day in the books. Every year, they run smoother and become more successful. This year, we had hundreds of constituents representing 85 districts of Kentucky. Thanks to photojournalism student Mhari Shaw, I have the whole day documented and they tell a memorable story. “

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Savanah's Birth Story - Part One

“My eyes begged for an answer. She looked up at me and calmly said, “Everything is going to be okay, but we need to head to the hospital right now.” I wanted to cry, but I didn't have time. I just nodded my head. Everyone was moving quickly around me, and I was just caught in a sort of stupor. Not only was my dream birth coming to an end, but my baby's life was in question. My body moved, but my brain was frozen.”

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Alana's Birth Story

“Pushing was the hardest part of labor. I had to be fully present in my body and actively labor. I don’t know how long I pushed for. I had a moment where I thought that I couldn’t do it. Mary told me to look into David’s eyes and focus on him. I experienced a side of myself that I haven’t before. It has always been there, this primal animal-like part of myself that gives in completely to the body and embraces the extreme physical experience.”

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How Can I Be A Better Mom For You?

“After rushing around to get everyone ready to leave, I realized sister had piled stuffed animals on top of baby. I overreacted. I spoke to her in a way I’m not proud of and that wasn’t necessary or appropriate. Immediately, I regretted it. She immediately broke down crying. A real, stress filled, tearful cry. She lunged for me, with arms open, and I caught her and held her. She sobbed in my lap and the following conversation took place…“

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Mary's Second Birth Story

“I had not just birthed my baby, but caught baby with my own hands. I had confronted demons and won. Surrounded by those most important to me, I found the inner strength I had lost. I held baby to my chest. I felt the thick layer of vernix, smelled the sweet aroma of the newly born head and suddenly, the battle I had just won felt so far in the past. As if it was already years in the distance. A beautiful memory of a victory…”

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Birth Announcement: #babydukebro is here!

“For years, I’ve educated and supported families through births. Today I proved to myself the awesomeness of my body and the healing nature of a supportive birth team. #dukebrownbro was born Tuesday July 3rd at 1:45am caught by his mother in their home surrounded by love. Weighing 8lbs 3oz and 23inches long…”

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The Overwhelming Vulnerability of Waiting for Baby

“I am writing this to inspire other pregnant women and parents who may be struggling with the same fear, worry and anxiety. To say to them, this too is normal. It’s when moms feel this way non-evidence based care providers can use their fear to sway them to choose interventions they might regret later.”

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​Video: Mary and Amanda Demonstrate Comfort Measures on MiddayLIVE at WBKO13​​

“I was a guest on Midday Live with WBKO13 with Amanda Woolen of The Grateful Moms Doula. We talked comfort measures and what you’ll learn during Lamaze Class. Watch us get 'hands-on' with a live demonstration of a technique that provides much needed comfort and decreases pain during active labor. I’ve also opened up registration for fall Lamaze Classes...”

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